+44 (0) 1327 350205

Advanced Superfinishing

Sandwell UK has invested in equipment for advanced superfinishing, this means we can superfinish small radii, undercuts and internal details that are critical in the parts performance. Until now has been almost impossible to achieve.

If this is something you would like more information on then contact the team at Sandwell UK today.

Advanced Superfinishing

Whilst superfinishing is very good at producing an overall high quality surface finish sometimes there are local details either internal or external that require special attention. Sandwell UK has invested in equipment that can superfinish small radii, undercuts and internal details that are critical in the parts performance but until now has been almost impossible to achieve.

Advanced Superfinishing Benefits and Features

Some of the features and benefits of Advanced Superfinishing are;

  • Used to reduce stress concentration
  • Able to achieve high quality surfaces finish on internal profiles
  • Used to locally finish radii-undercutes-splines-holes
  • Improves local finish on all metals

Contact us

+44 (0) 1327 350205 |

Sandwell UK Ltd 2 Foundry Place, Towcester, Northamptonshire, NN12 6FP