+44 (0) 1327 350205

Surface Analysis

As a surface engineering company we have a range of tools available to review and measure surfaces. This process is called Surface Analysis. This ranges from Perthometer equipment to digital microscopes all of which will provide data outputs to share with customers. Typical outputs can be as Ra, Rz, Rt, Pt.

Surface Analysis

These aid surface analysis especially after shot peening and both pre and post superfinishing. Surfaces are measured prior to superfinishing which allow us to control and modify the process to meet the required surface finish requirements. Sandwell also works closely with its partners to measure residual stress and retained austenite both pre and post process.

Surface Analysis

Benefits and Features

  • In-house digital microscopy
  • In-house surface condition monitoring Ra, Rz, Rpq
  • Combined pre & post process analysis
  • Used in surface analysis for Superfinishing processes

Contact us

+44 (0) 1327 350205 |

Sandwell UK Ltd 2 Foundry Place, Towcester, Northamptonshire, NN12 6FP