+44 (0) 1327 350205

Residual Stress Measurement

Residual Stress Measurement refers to stresses which are ‘locked in’ to a component, and can affect the behaviour of a component in service. Tensile residual stresses are sometimes present as a result of manufacturing processes and can have a negative effect on the fatigue life of a part in service. Shot Peening is a proven method for inducing compressive residual stresses in a component which can significantly increase the life of the component in service.

Sandwell is one of the few companies in the UK outside of Universities that has its own in house equipment for residual stress measurement. We have a state of the art electronic speckle pattern interferometry (ESPI) capable of measuring subsurface stress profiles in most materials.

Residual Stress Measurement

Sandwell’s residual stress measurement equipment uses ESPI (Electronic Speckle Pattern Interferometry) to measure the minute displacements around a small drilled hole in the surface of a component. Through repeated measurements a residual stress profile is produced which shows the magnitude and direction of stresses at different depths from the surface. This information can be used to tailor a shot peening process to a specific material and application, or can be used simply to verify the shot peening process. Contact us to discuss how residual stress measurement can help in ensuring you are getting the maximum performance benefits from your components.

Sandwell Residual Stress Measurement

Contact us

+44 (0) 1327 350205 |

Sandwell UK Ltd 2 Foundry Place, Towcester, Northamptonshire, NN12 6FP