+44 (0) 1327 350205

3D Scanning

Sandwell’s in house 3D scanning facility has been set up to support its customers to increase the level of technical feedback. It can be used to create a CAD model where original documents are not available but can also be used as a process technique to measure movement from pre to post Shot Peen where stresses can actively change component geometry.

3D Scanning

Parts can be scanned both pre and post process to evaluate structural movement and creep. Most manufacturing processes introduce unpredictable stresses within a part, with shot peening being used to introduce compressive stresses it is important to understand the changes in the parts physical geometry. Overlaid scans of pre and post process can be provided to indicate total surface displacement. With a volumetric accuracy of 0.028mm this information is both precise and accurate.

Sandwell 3D Scanning

3D Scanning

Benefits and Features

  • In house high resolution facility
  • Data produced in .stl file format
  • Can be used for reverse engineering
  • Use to compare actual surface to CAD model

Contact us

+44 (0) 1327 350205 |

Sandwell UK Ltd 2 Foundry Place, Towcester, Northamptonshire, NN12 6FP